

LSC can be packaged as a RedHat package.

To achieve this, connect on a Fedora or a RedHat host and build a package through the classic Maven way in lsc source directory:

cd lsc ; mvn package ; cd ..

Create the rpm build structure and copy the required files:

cp target/lsc-core-X.Y-SNAPSHOT-dist.tar.gz rpmbuild/SOURCES
cp src/install/lsc-core.spec rpmbuild/SPECS

Launch the build:

rpmbuild -ba rpmbuild/SPECS/lsc-core.spec

The corresponding packages will be available:

  • rpmbuild/RPMS/i386/lsc-2.0.SNAPSHOT-1.fc15.i386.rpm

  • rpmbuild/SRPMS/lsc-2.0.SNAPSHOT-1.fc15.src.rpm

LSC Debian packaging

LSC can be packaged as a DEB package.

To achieve this, connect on a Debian or a Ubuntu host, build a package through the classic Maven way in lsc source directory:

cd lsc ; mvn clean package

Copy the debian build structure inside the dist directory:

cp -aR src/install/debian target/lsc-core-X.Y-SNAPSHOT-dist/lsc-X.Y-SNAPSHOT/

Launch the build:

cd target/lsc-core-X.Y-SNAPSHOT-dist/lsc-X.Y-SNAPSHOT
dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc