Synchronization Rules

Properties based synchronization options (lsc>tasks>task>propertiesBasedSyncOptions)

You can describe synchronization options through the corresponding task subnode lsc>tasks>task>syncOptions :


You may include various information there:

  • main identifier

  • conditions

  • default delimiter

  • default policy

  • attributes description

  • implementation bean

Main identifier (lsc>tasks>task>propertiesBasedSyncOptions>mainIdentifier)

You must provide there a main identifier construction rule. Depending on the referential you are writing to, this may have a really strong importance or not: in LDAP, OSes,… it is really important whereas this has not any meaning if you plan to populate a database.

Take this LDAP case for example:

  • the main identifier will be the distinguished name,

  • you want to use the email value you catch inside the datasource to create the RDN inside the ou=People branch

    "mail=" + srcBean.getDatasetFirstValueById("email") + ",ou=People,dc=lsc-project,dc=org"

You can use Javascript and you have access to the srcBean and dstBean.

If this is meaning less for the referential you plan to write to, just copy the source value:


If you have an “update only” task, and the DN cannot be inferred from the source referrential, you can also use the dstBean:


Attributes (lsc>tasks>task>propertiesBasedSyncOptions>dataset)

This is the node describing how to handle each attribute:


Default delimiter (lsc>tasks>task>propertiesBasedSyncOptions>defaultDelimiter)

This is the value used to split multiple values when are provided as a single one.

Each attribute definition (see below) can define its own delimiter, but this attribute define the default one:


Default policy (lsc>tasks>task>propertiesBasedSyncOptions>defaultPolicy)

This is the value used to determine how to synchronize attributes value in destination, according to existing values, provided default, forced and create values.

It may take the following values : FORCE, KEEP or MERGE


Bean value (lsc>tasks>task>propertiesBasedSyncOptions>bean)

This value can be customized with a specific bean but includes a default value: org.lsc.beans.SimpleBean.

This parameter points to a class that is used by LSC as a simple object storing values in a neutral way: table of named datasets which contain values.

Conditions (lsc>tasks>task>propertiesBasedSyncOptions>conditions)

Depending on your needs, you may want to achieve only some types of operation.

LSC is handling four different types of action : create, update, delete and change main identifier.

You can provide on a source and destination objects basis a rule to decide if you want to achieve any or all of the operation.

The following conditions samples are written in JavaScript:

      1 &gt; 0
      srcBean.getDatasetFirstValueById('updateTimeStamp') &gt; dstBean.getDatasetFirstValueById('updateTimeStamp')


Do not forget to escape special characters and use XML entities (&gt; for >, &lt; for <, …), or use CDATA (see XML file overview).

  • In the condition create you have access to the srcBean.

  • In the condition update you have access to the srcBean and dstBean.

  • In the condition delete you have access to the dstBean.

  • In the condition change main identifier you have access to the srcBean and dstBean.

Functionality matrix

Depending on the policy configured for an attribute, the different *Values specified and the values in the source for this attribute name, LSC’s behavior varies:






  • no <forceValues/> are specified,

  • no values are read from the source,

  • and a new entry is being added,

the attribute will be created with

values from <createValues/>


  • no <forceValues/> are specified,

  • and a new entry is being added,

the attribute will be created with

values from <createValues/>

and values from the source



  • no <forceValues/> are specified,

  • no values are read from the source,

  • and the attribute doesn’t yet exist in the destination,

it is created in an existing entry

with values from <defaultValues/>


  • no <forceValues/> are specified,

values from <defaultValues/> are added,

as well as any source values,

to existing destination values


No changes are applied

All existing values are replaced

with values from <forceValues/>,

regardless of values from source

Values from <forceValues/> are added

to existing values in the destination,

regardless of values from source